Preston Healthcare

Help starts here

“These are human beings, like you and me. Wonderful people. Good people,” says Dr. Abiola.

“I learn from every patient, every day.”

With you for the long haul

There are five stages of change in the course of addiction treatment.

1. Pre-contemplative

“Don’t tell me I have a problem. I don’t!”

2. Contemplative

“Ok, so maybe I do have an issue, but I can handle it myself.”

3. Preparation

“I have a problem and I need help. But what can I do? And what if my family, friends or co-workers find out?”

4. Action

“I met with Preston Healthcare and the set up a program for me.”

5. Recovery

“Starting was very tough. But I’ve been clean for six months now and I have my life back.”

It’s time to take the next step. Contact us today